Movie Clips

Why do I take clips of movies?
Because sometimes I just want to be lazy and watch a romance scene rather than read a fanfic. Many times I want to watch the whole movie.. but sometimes I just need a 3 minutes de-stresser, and watching a clip is way easier than finding my favorite scene in a 2 hour .avi or DVD, even the DVDs friendly enough to break into chapters.
>> on the other hand, sometimes a really interesting movie comes along and I want to share some of its points of interest with those who might just want a glance..

I have each movie on its own page (the number in brackets is the number of clips I have of it)

* click on table headers to 'order by', click again to reverse the order
Title Last update Info
Dante's Peak [15] 2007/03/27 1997, Action, PG13, Pierce Brosnan and Linda Hamilton
Grey Owl [22] 2007/03/23 1999, Drama romance, PG13, Pierce Brosnan and Annie Galipeau
Laws of Attraction [14] 2007/03/02 2004, Comedy romance, PG13, Pierce Brosnan and Julianne Moore
The Bridges of Madison County [7] 2007/03/19 1995, Drama romance, PG13, Clint Eastwood and Meryl Streep
The Matador [27] 2007/04/09 2005, Drama, rated R, Pierce Brosnan and Greg Kinnear
The Proposal [7] 2009/11/01 2009, Romantic comedy, rated PG13, Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds
The Thomas Crown Affair [8] 2007/03/19 1999, Action romance, rated R, Pierce Brosnan and Renee Russo
My thanks to Stuart Langridge for the code to sort the above table.

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