The proposal

When we went to see this, it was simply because we hadn't gone to see anything in ages.  I had very very few expecteation and only mild hope of not being disgusted.

Instead, I laughed my head off and adored the candy...-shrug-  sometimes I'm just too easy.

- they are pretty big clips.   the Xvid codec may help play them if you have a problem (though my Windows media player was OK with them..), which I'm posting a version of here that you can right-click and save, then install

File Description Size
(in Mb)
proposal_itshere.avi the first of the 'office' clips 3.3 2009/11/01
proposal_broom.avi the second of the 'office' clips 1.3 2009/11/01
proposal_secretary.avi 'wouldn't be the first time one of us fell for our secretaries' 1.6 2009/11/01
proposal_gettingmarried.avi the third of the 'office' clips 3.1 2009/11/01
proposal_naked.avi I know he's way too young... and pale... but still... drooolzzzzz 16.1 2009/11/01
proposal_morning.avi 'It's morning!!' 11.2 2009/11/01
proposal_end.avi awwwww, so romantic /sarcasm. makes me cringe slightly.. but.. not quite enough not to like it, lol 19.5 2009/11/01
My thanks to Stuart Langridge for the code to sort the above table.

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