The Thomas Crown Affair
    video clips    

*** WARNING ***

Coarse Language and NUDITY present in clips
I remember the summer I saw this movie. I went to the 13th warrior, with Banderas, with the default thought that that would have some element of sex.. And it earnestly didn't. Then I went to see Thomas Crown expecting the usual Brosnan cool... LMAO, and got 'Everything is never quite enough'; WOWSAH <'vbg'>. Though I still like the dance scene best; sensual as Black Velvet.

- they are pretty big clips.   the Xvid codec may help play them if you have a problem (though my Windows media player was OK with them..), which I'm posting a version of here that you can right-click and save, then install

File Description Size
(in Mb)
thomascrown_lawyer.avi *this* is my lawyer 3.2 2007/03/19
thomascrown_dance.avi dance to incite 21.8 2007/03/19
thomascrown_night1.avi a little flesh 36.9 2007/03/19
thomascrown_islandonly.avi a stay in paradise 40.5 2007/03/19
thomascrown_know.avi how could I *know* 13.6 2007/03/19
thomascrown_trustme.avi I'm trusting you 12.6 2007/03/19
thomascrown_end.avi I'll break both your arms 16.6 2007/03/19
My thanks to Stuart Langridge for the code to sort the above table.

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