Dante's Peak
video clips

LOL, I guess it's pretty obvious that what I'm doing when I clip is fetching all the romantic moments out of my favorite movies...

- they are pretty big clips.   the Xvid codec may help play them if you have a problem (though my Windows media player was OK with them..), which I'm posting a version of here that you can right-click and save, then install

File Description Size
(in Mb)
intro.avi meet the family 15.5 2007/03/27
boyfriend.avi are you Rachel's boyfriend 5.9 2007/03/27
safe.avi protecting the children 1.4 2007/03/27
coffee.avi veal parmesan? 16.9 2007/03/27
date1.avi job interview 35.4 2007/03/27
girlfriend.avi so how *was* supper 11.8 2007/03/27
crystals.avi crystals, not rocks 3.7 2007/03/27
coffecoffecoffe.avi coffee coffee coffee 17.8 2007/03/27
eyes.avi eyes meet accross a crowded room 15.9 2007/03/27
bike.avi like riding a bike 24.8 2007/03/27
family.avi let me try 8.2 2007/03/27
action.avi patched together action for vid makers 31.5 2007/03/27
action2.avi more action 37 2007/03/27
fish.avi big ol' fat fish 17.9 2007/03/27
home.avi let's go home 25.23 2007/03/27
My thanks to Stuart Langridge for the code to sort the above table.

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