
By Wanderer (Wandering Smith)
October 2000
Summary: PG, J/C - Can be read as sequel to Caring. Voyager meets a another new culture. One that *really* believes in 'family values'...
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimers: As it is thought, so let it be as said… You make the toys,I play with them.

"Captain's log, Stardate XXXXXX. I think what I miss most about the Alpha Quadrant is always being within reach of a Starfleet equipment depot! This time it was tritanium to fix the latest shuttle damage. The last 3 freighters we'd met all pointed us to the Mulk Confederation as the best source. However, it seemed that they had some.. awkward customs. End Captain's log."


"Mr. Tuvok, I believe you have some information regarding the upcoming contact?"

"Aye Captain. According to the intelligence Mr. Neelix has gathered, the Mulkan have developed a culture where it is mandatory for all adults to be in a pair-bond. Any adult not part of a couple will be treated as a child, with commensurate responsibilities. They have extended this requirement to all alien races wishing to trade with them."

Into the stunned silence, Tom burst out, "You don't mean that only married people can deal with them, do you?!!?"

"That is exactly what I am saying Mr. Paris," the Vulcan replied with a raised brow. "Although, since the mating rituals of different races are so different, they do not require other races to have gone through their Lith-ga ceremony, their.. 'wedding'. Only that the couple pass certain tests that the Mulkan believe indicate the deep bond of mates."

" Nice of them…" Tom muttered sarcastically.

"Just how strict are they with these rules Tuvok? Surely they don't expect purely military cultures, for example, to carry their wives, or husbands, in space?", Chakotay asked, ignoring the snorts at Paris' comment.

"It would appear that they do Commander. Any vessel without at least one couple on board will not be able to deal with any Mulkani. It should be noted that since they do not require a ceremony, many captains are rumoured to get around the restrictions by pretending to a relationship."

"So what exactly are these tests that need to be passed Tuvok?" the Captain asked, frowning.

"That is not spoken of Captain. The Mulkan know that not all people who come claiming a bond are speaking the truth; they even appear willing to let the lies pass, as long as they are not too obvious. It seems that when the first outsiders were allowed in to trade, some captains would show up with a different 'mate' every few months. When it was discovered, the Mulkan government felt they were being mocked and began to enforce stricter rules; they also instituted the tests."

"Wonderful." The captain started to pace the room. "At the rate we're going through shuttles, we can't afford to have the Sacajeawa out of service. Someone has to go trade for the tritanium." She ended her pacing next to the Commander's chair, unconsciously drawing on his presence to relax. "I don't like starting a relationship on a lie, but in this case, it seems to be the only way. Now, the question is, who to send."

"Well, since we don't know what these tests involve, it had better be people who get along!" Tom interjected.

"Captain, Kes and I would be happy to go. I'm sure we'd have no problem passing these 'tests'."

"That's very kind of you Mr. Neelix. This certainly sounds like a mission that you have some unique qualifications for."

Grinning at the Captain's slightly exasperated look, Tom interrupted again, "The only problem is that neither Neelix nor Kes have the expertise to know if what they're offering will work for us…"

"Did you have someone else in mind Tom?", this time everyone grinned at the exasperation.

"Yeah, actually."

He turned to B'Elanna with a smirk, "What do you say Lieutenant? We made a pretty good team against the Vidiians… and you're certainly the person to know whether their technology is compatible with ours."

"Are you out of your mind helmboy?? You think anyone would be stupid enough to think that *we* are married?!?"

"Sure! I'm a good actor." Tom put on an injured look, then went on pointedly, "What's the matter, afraid of being alone with me?..." his smirk grew as she sputtered in outrage. "I promise to be good…"

"That's enough Tom." The captain exchanged smiling looks with the Commander.

"Yeah Tom, you better watch out, Klingon mating rituals are.." Chakotay's grin was evil as he watched his friend smolder, "very demanding."

"Chakotay!!" B'Elanna spared the smirking Commander a withering glare before returning to Tom, "I'm not afraid of you *Helmboy*, if you don't watch your tongue I'm going to whip the holodeck with your.."

"Lieutenant!!" the captain's voice broke through the laughter breaking out around the room, "That'll be enough. You two would be the best choices, but considering the requirements, I'm sure Neelix.."

"No. That's all right Captain. I'm sure I can reach a compromise with Helmboy here.", she smiled at Tom, showing some sharp teeth.

"All right then. We have work to do. Dismissed. Tom, B'Elanna, stay." Once everyone had filed out, she turned to the porthole. "Although I'm very proud of both of you for volunteering, I hope you realize that since we don't know what these tests are, we can't know what you'll be asked to do… how far you'll be required to go."

B'Elanna darted a glance at Tom before replying slowly, "Captain, these people seem to have a different body type than we do, and if these tests are used on all aliens that come looking for trade, they can't really go that far. Too many races have.." she grinned, "rituals that are *far* different. Can you imagine their requiring Vulcans to complete a Klingon mating ceremony??"

The Captain turned back to them with a smile. "Outside of the Pon Far, that would indeed be rather extreme. However, the fact that they're different means that something they might consider minor, and so, appropriate for this, might be seen in a rather different light by you."

Tom answered seriously. "It has to be done Captain. If we don't get that tritanium, the Sacajeawa isn't safe to fly. And we can't afford to be short another shuttle. No, we'll do it Captain."

She stepped up to them and placed a hand on each of their shoulders. "Very well. We'll be reaching the transfer station in a week. If we're lucky, we'll manage to find out more about these tests in that time."


When they got within a day of the station, the navigation system suddenly gave a lurch and dropped them out of warp.


As the Captain reached her seat, Chakotay spared a glance to be sure she hadn't been injured, "Something's interfering with the warp field Captain; all navigation and propulsion are down."

"Mr. Kim?"

"There's some sort of subspace echo that caused a large energy surge through the deflector grid!"


"I… trying to find it Captain, its rather generalized. But it's definitely coming from the system ahead."

"All right. Full stop." She tapped her badge, "B'Elanna, what's the situation down there?"

They could hear shouting in the background as B'Elanna coughed, "We're not going to be going to warp anytime soon, Captain. Whatever that was, it's completely overloaded the relays.. even once they cool down and we fix the structural damage, they're still going to need to be reinitialized."

Chakotay looked at the Captain. 'So much for B'Elanna going down.' he thought, 'that's going to take at least a week…' From the way she started rubbing her temples, she'd obviously come to the same conclusion.

"Keep me informed Lieutenant. Mr. Kim, find out what caused that surge. We do not need surprises."


"Well, according to the Stihl captain we just spoke to, this subspace echo is caused by the alloy the Mulkani use in most of their installations. Their propulsion technology is different enough that it doesn't affect them.. but many other races can only go subwarp when near their installations. Mr. Neelix?"

"Yes Captain. Ahh, it seems we may have a slight problem. I've spoken briefly to the Mulkan station manager, and they only sell their tritanium preprocessed.. which means they're only willing to sell us this 'alloy' which they use."

"And which destroy my engines!" B'Elanna growled.

"Quite. Ahh, I'm afraid my rank of ambassador didn't appear to carry much weight with them, Captain.. I suspect that if we want anything other than what they've offered.. I think you're going to have to convince them to give it to us yourself."

The room fell silent as Tom and the Captain looked at each other, both trying to find the words to get out of the impasse. Chakotay interrupted quietly, "If we have trouble with impulse too it would be better to have our best pilot at the helm, Tom. I'll go."

Kathryn gave him a smile and a nod of thanks. He responded with a teasing leer, quickly hidden. "The old term for First Officer *was* First Mate…"

The others in the room gave the Commander surprised looks at the public teasing.

Kathryn felt her skin heat up at the implicit reminder of what the offer entailed. She told herself sternly that he was only teasing, but.. 'Oh my, it's a good thing he didn't use that look too often…' 'Don't be silly Kathryn, of course it wouldn't change anything. He's only your first officer, and a good friend; nothing more.


As they waited for the signal to transport down to the planet for the first meeting, the Captain spoke up, "What do you say Chakotay? Up to stretching the truth?"

Chakotay nodded, not trusting himself to speak. 'It won't be a stretch Captain.' The thought was quickly buried, before it could take root and interfere with the strict guidelines he'd set himself for this mission.'Friends, old man, just friends; and fellow officers with a job to do.'

This was going to be a long mission!

AN:(barrage me enough and I might actually sit down and finish this.. especially if my teachers left me time enough...)

To be Continued.... Not likely to be, very sorry

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