A father's revenge

Author: wanderingsmith
dec 2008
Summary: Jacob, thinking after Descent 6x03
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: I ain't got no money, and nobody'd be daft enough to pay me for this. As it is thought, so let it be said; you make the toys, I play with 'em.

AN: written for this

Goto Chapter 2

Chapter one

Jacob relaxed in his seat at the head of a table at O'Malley's, silently watching Sam interacting with her teammates. She was busily teasing Jonas with understated help from Teal'c, who sat besides the young man. Without seeming to, Jacob was actually focused more on the silently smirking man sitting right besides Sam on the bench. There was lots of room to spare, but somehow, when Sam had slid in after the colonel, she'd ended up shoulder to shoulder with him.

Selmak didn't even bother repeating it's oft-stated grumble that he was a fool for both denying the reality of feelings; and denying his daughter what joy she might find.

The fact that less than a day ago he'd been sure his baby girl was dead, drowned right along with Jack, was probably why he couldn't stop watching for the man's small giveaways now. Eyes that spent more time watching Sam than laughing at his team; stealing fries from her plate. Continuing to lean on the table, just-barely-not touching her, rather than relax back in his seat as he should since he was simply watching rather than participating in the conversation. Jacob had caught enough glances his way to wonder if he might *have* relaxed back if Jacob hadn't been present; relaxed back and put his arm out to keep contact with her. Which of course would be blatant and would force Jacob to say something.

When Sam finally had enough of teasing the newest member of SG1, Jacob had to roll his eyes that the first thing she did was steal her *commanding officer*'s last meatball before digging into her burger.

He quieted his symbiot's non-intervention warning with the promise that he was only going to have some innocent fun. He waited until O'Neill had taken a swallow of his beer before interrupting the silence that had dropped as the others ate. "So Jack, shrinkage is a concern, is it?"

It was hard to keep a straight face as Selmak rolled with laughter in his head at the expression on his daughter's would-be boyfriend's face as he spat his mouthful straight across the table to Teal'c' plate of steak and potatoes.

Jacob ignored the death-glare Sam was sending him while she pounded Jack's back.  Ok, yes, that *was* impressive lung power, but that was hardly a valid reason to give his blessing!

Chapter two

AN: blame WhatATragicComedy for making the bunny replicate! lol

"I believe it would be appropriate at this juncture to mention that I look forward to our next sparring session, O'Neill." The impassive stare at Jack didn't deceive anyone at the table as to the implied threat of mayhem in the Jaffa's words.

With a last cough, Jack sent him an insulted glare before turning to Jacob, sitting with a bland expression, as though butter wouldn't touch his tongue. "*Dad*! You did that *deliberately*!!"

Jacob rolled his eyes again -just *how* obvious could they be, anyway??-, dropping the act and smirking evilly at him, "Yeah, *son*, I guess I did."

The emphasis on 'son' was too much for Sam and she choked for a second until she couldn't hold her amusement at someone else getting her father's wit inside anymore, ignoring the dry look he sent her.

Jack gave the astrophysicist major besides him a disgruntled look, feeling as though everyone was suddenly picking on him for absolutely no reason. When she didn't quiet down, didn't even give him an apologetic glance, he grumbled, "No giggling."

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