D & C Sam's POV

By Wanderer (Wandering Smith)
April 2001
Rating: PG-13 (baby swearing) [g] inside-joke
Archive: ask
Summary: Very very short. Sam's thoughts during the retest.
Disclaimer: As it is thought, so let it be as said… You make the toys, I play with them.
Author's Notes:
Would love some feedback, just remember its a rough. Flames will be shoved where the sun don't shine and remembered...............
Use of <> indicate unspoken thoughts.

I realized as I watched him attack the control box that there was no way I could get out. We didn't know how those controls worked and had no time to find out. I told him to go but he ignored me, started hammering at the shield. < Dammit Jack, this isn't the time to be stubborn! >

When he went back to beating at the controls, I yelled at him again to get out. < Goddammit, I don't want you to die!! > He reared up yelling "NO", then stood there panting and staring at me.

I saw his eyes widen suddenly and I almost laughed. < For crying out loud Jack, of all the times to understand something.. I wish you'd go. I don't want you to die because of me. > I didn't say it; I'm not supposed to feel this, but God! < I don't want to watch you die!!>

I saw his lips move, his eyes still fixed on mine. *love?* < I love you too, Jack. But I want you to live. Please. > The fear and sadness in his eyes held me captive, I felt the tingle in my fingers as I unconsciously tried to reach out to him..

As I heard the guards turn the corner, I could see acceptance and panic vie for supremacy in him. His earlier helpless fury no longer there to protect him.

As much as I love Dad, right now I hate the Tok'Ra. I watch him go through those last moments again. I think he hates thinking about it more then he hates the current situation. And this damn machine still thinks he's lying. "Sir."

I look at him, trying to let him know its ok, we'll deal with that later; we gotta get through this right now, no matter what.

As I keep watching, his eyes lock onto mine, tired, sad, lonely. Too much death and loss, not enough happiness in our lives.

When he says he cares for me, I can't help the jolt of happiness I feel; even with everything, I still feel a soft smile tugging at my lips. Even with our audience, with the reasons, with the regulations; looking every inch my battered, world-weary warrior, Jack O'Neill is mine. Mine to love and care for. And lean on if I chose, even if it can't be physically.

The euphoria vanishes far too quickly as Anise pronounces him clear. It can't go any further than this. Feelings shared because of a Tok'Ra truth machine; that was all they could have. For now. And friendship, the chance to work together every day; watch over each other. As long as we didn't let this ruin us anyway.

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