Breaks in the iron

Author: wanderingsmith
dec 2008
Summary: Everyone has a breaking point
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: I ain't got no money, and nobody'd be daft enough to pay me for this. As it is thought, so let it be said; you make the toys, I play with 'em.

AN: I have no idea where this came from.. maybe from watching Entity.  he just looks so much like he's breaking inside...

Colonel Jack O'Neill didn't break down.  She'd watched him remain stoic in the face of physical agony and the loss of friends; though if you knew to interpret it, you would find depth-less anguish in his eyes whenever they lost anyone.  He would get furious, if he could; but only a close friend would even have a chance of recognizing the pain he felt.

Which was why, the first time this had happened, Sam had been half-worried that there was something acting on him; some new alien infection, or maybe he'd been *replaced* by an alien again...  Luckily, she'd refrained from panicking; had pulled him into a hug, just as he always did for her, and held him, silently shaking her head and pulling him close again when he tried to apologize.

And now, years later, it only took her a second to shift gears when she felt the arms around her thighs stiffen and his lips lift, his forehead coming to rest on her belly as his breath suddenly went short and over-controlled against her bare skin.

Jack didn't break.  But every so often, the emotions he kept under wrap, the terror and pain and sorrow and anger, got strong enough to escape even *his* iron control.

Sam gently reached down to drift her fingers through his still-short white hair and stroke his coiled neck and shoulders; all that she could reach as she lay back in their bed, the warm, salty water making a little pool on her belly making her heart ache as he lay, utterly stiff and silent, clinging to her.

Sometimes she could shimmy them into a hug; but other times, like now, there was no give in his grip at all.  She wasn't even sure he remembered that she was present as he rode out the waves that shuddered his body.

She'd long since stopped wondering why it happened more often during sex than anywhere else.  Her best theory was that it was the time he was most open; least likely to have his defenses up.  And then too, he had as many memories of losing her as she did of him; they were both a link to pain and danger to each other.  There was nothing like feeling happy to make the fear of losing everything poke its head in. 

He'd once mumbled that he didn't used to have these episodes so often, which had caught her a little oddly until she continued her reasoning.  They were happy together and he had actually started opening up when they were alone; applying her theory and solving led to a strong man who had sacrificed his ability to bury pain for the joy they allowed themselves to find with each other.

After a few minutes watching him with sorrow and care, she saw his body relax and quickly made her move, wriggling down through his not-yet-quite-loose hold until she could wrap her arms around him, tenderly stroking every inch of his naked skin that she could reach.  His eyes were squeezed shut until she whispered "C'mere."

Then lost, anguished brown glittered and splintered at her through a layer of water that trickled down and was replaced by more as she pressed her lips to a softened cheekbone and then pulled his unresisting damp face to shelter in her neck without another word.  There was neither shame nor fear in seeing Jack with tear-tracks down his cheeks; only acceptance.  Knowing that tomorrow it could be her turn to get ambushed by the scars of their life and be pulled into a warm, tight grip with no empty words.

All they could do was hold each other through this, give each other an anchor to cling to and peace to fight for.  Fight on through the breaks.

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