Bond/Q Scenelets
Author: wanderingsmith
Started date apr 2018
Summary: Each chapter is an unrelated
Ch 1: Beware Newsfeeds - UST. 100word drabble
Ch 2: Brute - UST or Bond/Q as you choose.
100word drabble
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: I ain't got no money, and
nobody'd be daft enough to pay me for this. As
it is thought, so let it be said; you make the
toys, I play with 'em..
Goto Chapter 2
one : Beware NewsFeeds
1, 2018
AN: Summary:
100word. UST hinting
Couldn't they at least VARY
the annoying advertizing??
this appeared in my head a
while back: there was a period where it seemed
every third site I happened to click on while
researching whatever got on my todo list would
have some ridiculous bloody picture of the
bastard in the damn advertizing space that
seems to be taking over 3/4 of the area of
most pages.
After a long boring day of looking for needles in
international haystacks, Q finally snarled, "If I
see that murdering Russian bastard's naked chest
on my newsfeed one more time I am going to talk
007 into terminating him with extreme prejudice
during his next mission."
"No need to lie to me, Q, you've only ever to ask.
I'd like nothing better than to bring my
Quartermaster a little pleasure."
Q turned at the tempting purr, grinning, "Don't
you dare, Bond. I don't need another lecture from
M about destabilizing Russia."
"Another? Been entertaining yourself in your PJs,
again, Q?"
two : Brute
1, 2018
AN: Summary:
can be read as Gen. 100word
Villains and their uppity
smarmy insults.
"But he's a brute, Q. Nothing but a
mindless killing tool."
Bond stared at the weaselling bastard with a blank
expression, refusing to react. He felt the
Quartermaster he needed to get to safety step
close to his back before those bored posh tones
replied to their captor's clichéd insults, "He may
well be the one that pulls the necessary trigger,"
Bond mentally jerked when long, soft fingers
landed on his nape, scrambling to keep the
reaction hidden, "But he's *my* brute."
There was no way he could help a smirk from
pulling the corner of his lips at that.
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