Exploding candles

Author: wanderingsmith
Started January 2023
Summary: Dynamite. And not the good kind...

scene deconstruction for s7e02 I did not mean to

Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: Disclaimer: I ain't got no money, and nobody'd be daft enough to pay me for this. As it is thought, so let it be said; you make the toys, I play with 'em.

"My candle exploded. It was a stick of dynamite..."

The explosion had already made 'is heart jump in 'is throat, even if 'is café appeared to have withstood the blast without the beams giving out 'Yet', but on hearing those incriminating words, René went cold, terror sending his heart into a craze. 'e 'ad to do *something*, or Klinkerhoffen would be killing 'im for certain, regardless of 'is dislike of 'is rival!

"I am sorry-" 'e 'ardly realized who 'e 'ad turned to for help until 'is rather desperate mental scramble stopped, and 'e was staring into Gruber's shocked eyes.

Whether the shock was still at 'is exploded general, or at René actually coming to 'im for rescue, René 'ardly cared, and certainly 'ad no time to guess as 'e silently begged the man to somehow protect 'im. "I- I did not intend to give 'im *dynamite*." The lieutenant, immediately focused on 'im, as usual, stared rather desperately back at René, leaning in as though 'e could *make* René come up with some story that Gruber could spin into something that did not *entirely* condemn René. "It was left there by somebody I do not know. To... give to somebody I 'ad never 'eard of." And René could only pray the man would think of a way out of this mess where René's poor brain was failing.

As usual, this 'ad halfway worked. 'e 'ad avoided the firing party; only to be made a target of the Résistance.


Much later, sitting in 'is backroom, 'aving drunk what was left of the bottle of, ironically, cheap plunk that the general 'ad picked, and having moved on to another bottle of cheap plonk that 'ad been lucky enough to survive the exploding candle, René could not 'elp questioning 'is madness at turning to *Gruber* for 'elp, earlier. Even though the man *had*, actually, helped 'im a number of times, it 'ad not been at René's *request*, before. The man really *would* be within 'is rights to ask for a reward. René winced to 'imself. What a mad war. A man should be worried about having *spying* demanded of him, not...


At least 'is friend with the pretty hair had smiled as though very wickedly pleased by something...

Would 'e really rather be asked to spy on Michelle?

Not that René doubted 'e could, really, dissuade the lieutenant, one way or another; if 'e really needed to. All else aside, he 'ad listened to Yvette untangle 'erself from more than one over-amorous fool that she did not care to be friendly with.

And the lieutenant 'ad always seemed to enjoy the chase enough to not care about crossing the finish line.

...Even if 'e did tend to get a sad-puppy expression rather often when René wheedled 'is way away.

René was often sad too!

AN:....another from the scrap file.  it had a line that implied some further part to the scene.. unfortunately it was not a line that gave away said further part!  and it was written many many many months ago (not that even a day would make my memory more reliable as a source), so I've no notion of what I intended.  Nor could I think of something quickly enough tonight after fighting with code all day.

so.  all that to say, I will try (a little) to think of a bit to add in a further chapter...<br />

..but I'd also like to try to get the next part of Lily up, so...

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