The fallen...

Author: wanderingsmith
Started sept 2021
Summary: René grumbled under his breath as he climbed the ladder, "I had meant to live a quiet life. Climbing ladders to steal from château-occupying armies was not quiet. Well. I hope it would be 'quiet', but it was not a quiet *life*."
Rating: NC17
Disclaimer: I ain't got no money, and nobody'd be daft enough to pay me for this. As it is thought, so let it be said; you make the toys, I play with 'em..

AN: - in case you forgot the show we are watching: there is no angst here. The only death anywhere near is une petite mort
- and as usual, seeing as the show itself ignores its own canon half the time, so too shall I -sticks tongue out like a decorated middle-aged officer-

Prequel: Of pancakes and courgettes

Goto Chapter 2

Chapter one
sep 2021

At the cleared throat, René looked up from doing unnecessary inventory of his glasses to try to settle his nerves. He gave the unknown German private a quick look as she looked around nervously; and then froze as she- ...René was barely aware of his mouth hanging open as he goggled.

"Try not to look so surprised," René still could not stop staring, even as he realized 'Uber- *the lieutenant* was getting miffed, "I'm doing this for *you*!"

At that he finally caught himself. Somewhat. That 'Uber would for one moment think that René wanted *this* was... Unpleasant and uncomfortable and not something he could explain *here*! What was the man thinking?? He set down the sniffer he had somehow managed not to drop and swallowed and tried to regain his balance, "Well you really need not have bothered!"

Instead of apologizing -or looking hurt, which would have been unfortunate.. but *really*!- Gruber leaned in, looking quite serious, something extremely unnerving -he knew that *voice* but... my god did he not look like the man René knew 'And knew *well*, at that!' "There have been one or two *very serious* developments."

...There was no way a Frenchman could resist *that*... "So I see." Though his complete lack of interest proved the thought he had had on a pivotal night in this man's room: he wanted his 'Uber as he was. Definitely not with... developments!!

With what amounted to rolled eyes at his chest, Gruber finally gave René a glare, spitting angrily, "If the Enigma machine is not returned within half an hour you are to be arrested and *shot*!"

René stomach dropped and he jerked forward, almost slapping the bar in scared frustration at everyone using him so! "But lieutenant- private, we do not *have* the machine!"

"Then you must *leave* at once!"

René swallowed, loosening his tie, the good advice calming him, and tried to think quickly as he nodded to his lieutenant, "Thank you for the warning. And for going to such incredible lengths." And if he had the chance he would make certain to thank the man *properly*, for those were indeed heartwarming lengths...

Gruber minced in place, voice going soft and apologetic now that he had got René to listen, "The colonel confiscated my uniform in case I should tip you the wink. I- I pinched this while Helga was having a bath."

René winced, remembering the woman catching him in 'Uber's room. He could well believe she would arrange for the lieutenant to be detained; she would *know* Gruber would warn René, with far more surety than the colonel's grumpy suspicions. Though the image of an apparently scantily-clad 'Uber sneaking to Helga's to pinch her uniform was... pleasing... "But the ah- the wig."

"It's her spare one." René leaned over very willingly at 'Uber's nod, reassured that he at least still smelled like his lieutenant -to whit, diesel and lily, and not of one of Helga's expensive perfumes, "You know the saying: lipstick, powder and a little bit of paint, make a girl look what she jolly well ain't."

Choking back a snort and barely resisting pointing out with a smirk that the lieutenant was himself proving this, René licked his lips, "No...I had never heard that."

"Women, René, are all deceivers."

"Umm." Looking at that very neatly made up face, René's sardonic look for Gruber's oft-stated dislike of the fairer sex turned teasing, "Oh, lieutenant?"


René grinned widely, "That lipstick is a lovely shade of red."

Gruber's eyes widened, possibly in shared memory of his insulted claim to never wear the stuff, but then he smirked, wicked pleasure easing the tension around his eyes, and leaned in, right to René's ear, "The matching underwear feels lovely."

René breathed a quiet laugh, purring right back, "Lipstick and ladies' underwear? I thought this was the 'wrong idea', my lieutenant?" For all the thought of him in Helga's usual bustiers was far more interesting than fake boobies on that smooth chest, he still could not help a smirk, considering the unsettled look *he* had got when Gruber and the colonel had caught *René* dressed in the damned things.

Gruber's lips burned René's ear for an instant, hopefully not marking him with that lovely red lipstick, before he whispered with clear seduction, "It is not ladies' underwear," René would not have thought that high voice could drop to a husk, but it did; one that made him shiver with far too much pleasure, considering the dire situation hanging over their heads, "This silk is very much designed to hold a man."

The thought barely had a chance to spark in his mind's eye when unfortunately his actual eyes saw the door to the café and he almost squeaked, "I think the bath must have run cold, Helga is just about to enter the café!"

AN:S5e26 I'm doing this for you

Chapter two (NC17)
sept 2021

AN: Text is more a Hard M than really Explicit, but the picture at the end is Explicit NSFW

-s-e-x-s-e-x-s-e-x-s-e-x- WARNING -s-e-x-s-e-x-s-e-x-s-e-x-

When the general was finally drunk enough that Hubert could talk his way out of the command performance, he hurried to his room, eager to get rid of the uncomfortable disguise; he had no idea how Helga tolerated heels all day, let along makeup coating her face. He felt worse than when he'd fallen in mud during basic training and not been able to wash!

The moment his door closed he shook the shoes off with a groan of relief, wriggling his feet in lieu of dropping to the floor to sit like a child and hold them while whimpering. The wig, jacket, and the stuffed shirt that inhibited every second movement of his arms, were next, though he made certain to lay them neatly on a chair, knowing Helga was already furious with him; even though she'd been party to the reason he'd been left to such desperate measures. She of all people knew he could not allow René to go unwarned!

When he turned too quickly toward his washbasin and slipped on the stockings, nearly landing on his arse, he stopped long enough to snap them off the garters and roll them down, growling under his breath at just how annoying they had been to get on.

He was just wiping his finally-clean face dry when there was a knock on his door and he glared at it a moment, in no mood to deal with any -more- late-night demands from superior officers. But he knew he would not get away with ignoring the summons, and so he looked down at his bare chest and the skirt he had not bothered taking off before setting to getting rid of the makeup, and reached for his dressing gown before stalking to answer; no need to have the troops think even more foolishness.

Only to relax into a wide smile at the sight of René once again jittering on his doorstep as he glanced nervously over his shoulder for observers, "René!"

He stepped back to let the man in, feeling suddenly much less put out. Especially when René only took a single step into the room before crowding Hubert's back against his door to slam it shut, and then immediately starting to mouth at Hubert's freshly-scrubbed neck, muttering darkly as his hands fumbled the gown open, "I have not been able to stop thinking of your silk, made to hold a man."

Hubert was already chuckling, *more* than happy to let himself be fondled and manhandled, tipping his chin up to give René easier access to the hollow of his jaw that he was plainly very fond of, "And what would you give to see it?"

He shuddered, gripping René's shoulders when his knees tried to turn to oil as René sucked at the tip of his ear before whispering, "I'm sure I could think of something."


René reluctantly let his fingers trail off their silky prize as 'Uber sat up, leaving René's too-warm skin exposed to the air as he reached for the tin of grease on his bedside table. Then, as René watched in something like fascination 'Though his gut shivered a bit too much for it', he sat back, resting his weight on his own calves, and René's thighs. And twisted his arm back 'I probably could not even turn my arm that way, let along reach where that flimsy *string* has got!'

René's fingers twitched at his side and he slipped them to gently stroke 'Uber's tensed thigh. "Should I..?" his tongue slicked over his lips as he nodded at the shinny 'So obscenely soaked with spit, enough inches down to make René rather proud. And had *that* not made his lieutenant beg so loudly against his stout door...', luxurious red silk tented oh-so-impressively between the man's legs.

'Uber's eyes slitted open, glittering darkly at René as he whispered, "Keep touching me."

René's fingers eagerly returned to their teasing strokes over that slippery, hard heat, and 'Uber leaned back further, offering himself as his shoulder muscles flexed visibly, moving that hidden hand, his eyes slipping shut and his lips parting slackly on a gasp as he jerked under René's pale digits, his so-fine hair just sweaty enough to still show the rampage of René's fingers, making for an entirely dishevelled version of his usually dapper lieutenant.

"If I had the skill, I would paint you like this..." He hadn't planned to mutter that aloud, and his voice trailed off on what sounded too much like words of seduction; except he could feel how very real the sentiment was in his chest.

'Uber's eyes opened, chin tipping toward René as he grinned happily, "Am I a fallen madonna?"

René smirked, staring at him while 'Uber watched him back with the occasional shiver as both men's hands continued their dances.

The room's warm candlelight turned his lover into a shadow-defined stretch of winter-pale skin, thin sheen of sweat defining muscle and bone and tendon with light; the illusion of his own smooth-skinned Greek statue broken only by that bright red flame 'Or it *had* been bright red, before René had sucked it to darkness', where he rested on René's lap, almost touching another candle sticking up nearby, stiff with blood and disturbingly eager for these new proceedings, but naught but human-pale next to its opulent companion. "The fallen lieutenant," René grinned, deliberately wrapping his palm around the silk-sheathed shaft, "With the big-" 'Uber cracked his so-rare dark laugh, "Dynamite."


They hadn't yet gathered up the will to clean themselves, let along the trail of clothes that started with a skirt at the door -and a garter belt that had made René smirk and 'Uber roll his eyes that 'there was a female *dress code* you know'; instead, they lounged like sybarites on the disarrayed bed. 'Uber's limbs splayed, seemingly boneless, over René's slowly cooling skin, his head tucked below René's chin.

"I *am* utterly fallen, you know."

It took several slow heartbeats for the whispered words to draw René's senses from their loll in sensuous memories. He finally managed to utter a distracted "Umm..?", continuing to slowly slip his finger up and down the string that had stroked him so oddly, yet arousingly, a few minutes ago. Even allowing himself to gently stroke the well-debauched flesh under it.

When he finally answered, 'Uber's voice was still quiet, but steady, "Fallen for you."

René slid the hand that had been resting on 'Uber's nape, in the shadow of an officer's neat crop, and tipped his lover's chin up from his chest. Opening his own eyes to meet faintly wary hazel, he tipped his head down to press soft kisses on his lover's bruised lips until they tipped up ever so slightly at the corners; then he gently wrapped both arms around the man that was using him as a willing mattress, making his voice as calm and firm as he could, "And I've caught you, 'Uber Solovyov."

The Fallen Lieutenant

click for full-size

AN:s5e26 - oh, you're off-duty too 

for the record:
1939: The thong as we know it is born! The contemporary version of the whale tail makes its debut at the World’s Fair in New York City, when then-mayor Fiorello LaGuardia tells the city’s nude dancers to cover up. They do…technically.

just because:

I've drawn for about 3 periods over the years. as in for a few weeks and then stopped for years. and I am NOT a natural. -shrug- sometimes I just can't help annoy people with my attempts.

:D first time I drew porn though! ...wasn't as....hard... ;) as I'd expected it would be

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