Stargate SG-1
episode clips

I started watching for love of RDA and then dropped out for various reasons around season 6.  Since then I've caught bits and pieces.  Hate Cameron (for himself and his existance, not through any comparison to O'Neill).  Hate arrogant!new!Daniel.  Vala is cool.  Jonas is OK.  Landry and Lam.. just aren't what their predecessor were.

I don't have a lot of eps, but if you have a good scene that's hard to find, feel free to recommend!  I'll will definitely see what I can do!
I'm not posting every good moment, there are way too many! And I'm almost out of room so.. only the hard to find things, or my very favourites, will come here

* filename: (season) (episode) (_) (my identifyer) : click on table headers to 'order by', click again to reverse the order
- they are pretty big clips.   the Xvid codec may help play them if you have a problem (though my Windows media pkayer was OK with them..), which I'm posting a version of here that you can right-click and save, then install
* if you have special pieces you want, or a particular format, contact me, I'm happy to try to help.

Seasons One

Goto S01E04 - The broca divide[2]

Seasons Two

Goto S02E15 - The fifth race [1]

Seasons Four

Goto S04E06 - Window of opportunity [1] Goto S04E20 - Entity [4]
Seasons Five

Goto S05E11 - Desperate measures [5]

Seasons Seven

Goto S07E13 - Grace [3]

Seasons Eight

Goto S08E18 - Threads [3] Goto S08E20 - Moebius 2 [2]

File Description Size
(in Mb)
S01E04 - The broca divide

104_kiss.avi *the* kiss 4.9 2009/01/01
104_jealous.avi I'm talking about *Samantha* 10.4 2009/01/01
S02E15 - The fifth race

215_ambassador.avi we are a *very* curious race 3.4 2009/01/01
S04E06 - Window of opportunity

406_kiss.avi kiss 2.3 2009/01/01
S04E20 - Entity

420_member.avi She's an important member of my team 2.4 2009/01/01
420_wrong.avi you are protectors 3.9 2009/01/01
420_shoot.avi when he shoots 8.7 2009/01/01
420_will.avi she made a living will 11.7 2009/01/01
S05E11 - Desperate measures

511_look.avi we can look, can't we 2.6 2009/01/01
511_airforceguy.avi I'm just a regular Air Force guy 0.7 2009/01/01
511_gun.avi I've got a gun 0.4 2009/01/01
511_carter.avi this is Carter we're talking about 0.6 2009/01/01
511_building.avi I will stay in this building 1.6 2009/01/01
S07E13 - Grace

713_samantha.avi Samantha 0.2 2009/01/01
713_bethere.avi I will *always* be there 0.6 2009/01/01
713_kiss_slow.avi *the* kiss 0.8 2009/01/01
S08E18 - Threads

818_always.avi *Always* 22.5 2009/01/01
818_marry.avi Before you call me dad 0.9 2009/01/01
818_fising.avi We should have done this years ago 9.5 2009/01/01
S08E20 - Moebius 2

820_awkward.avi Someone so... *hot* 11.4 2009/01/01
820_kiss_long.avi If we don't make it 14.9 2009/01/01
My thanks to Stuart Langridge for the code to sort the above table.

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