Stargate Atlantis
Season 1 episode clips

* filename: (season) (episode) (_) (my identifyer) : click on table headers to 'order by', click again to reverse the order
- they are pretty big clips.   the Xvid codec may help play them if you have a problem (though my Windows media pkayer was OK with them..), which I'm posting a version of here that you can right-click and save, then install
* if you have special pieces you want (if I have the ep, or you can convince me the ep or moment is shippy enough to make me want to get the ep <g>), or a particular format, contact me, I'm happy to help.

Goto All seasons
Goto S01E09 - Home [3]
Goto S01E10 - The storm [4]
Goto S01E11 - The eye [6]

Goto Season 2

File Description Size
(in Mb)
S01E09 - Home

109_staying.avi I'm staying 15.7 2008/01/04
109_know.avi I know John Sheppard 0.3 2008/01/04
109_home.avi get back home 0.9 2008/01/04
S01E10 - The storm

110_exactly.avi I'm always like this 1 2008/01/04
110_superman.avi was anyone seriously thinking that? 2.3 2008/01/04
110_end.avi say goodbye to Doctor Weir 10 2008/01/04
110_11_loss_silentslow.avi Flanigan does such a great job with emotional scenes.. I started playing around. this a series of scenes of the death taunts tagged together, silenced and slowed 5.1 2008/01/04
S01E11 - The eye

111_dead.avi Weir is dead 2.2 2008/01/04
111_childish.avi doesn't sound like me 1.3 2008/01/04
111_alive.avi good to hear your voice 4.2 2008/01/04
111_hostage.avi you're not going anywhere 5.2 2008/01/04
111_holidays.avi you're extremely optimistic 8.3 2008/01/04
111_flirt_silentslow.avi flirting is so fun to watch <g> I had to play, silenced and slowed 0.5 2008/01/04
My thanks to Stuart Langridge for the code to sort the above table.

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