To be human
( or Why there will always be wars, and pain)

By Wanderer (Wandering Smith)

If we were to wake up some morning
and find that everyone was the same race, creed and color,
we would find some other cause for prejudice by noon.
- George Aiken

By our nature, humans make mistakes

We hurt others
(some times meaning to, others, not);

We react to perceived hurt
(often thoughtlessly and badly);

Try as we might, most of us judge first,
Think and analyze later
(first impressions stay, in the back of your mind,
even if and when you learn they are wrong).

We too often forget (or don't realize it's an issue)
That other people (from other cultures even more so)
Do not see the world exactly as we do
(and all that that implies...);

It is instinctive to protect those we care for
(whether they be family, friends,
or even people we've never met, but care for nonetheless)
In whatever way we can find
(not caring or, sometimes, realizing,
because we are protecting loved ones,
that we may be causing pain to others);

Whether in person, on the phone, e-mail, chat or snail mail,
We are still HUMANS…
Ignoring that fact gets us nowhere fast.
Acting as though words, thoughts, prayers, hope… can ever change that
Will only bring frustration in the short term, bitterness in the long term

Take we humans as we are!

Complain all you like,
But don't try to ignore the facts or alter them.
Even if you could… do you have the right?
Are you sure you'd do better??

It may be a depressing thought,
But that doesn't make it any less true
So lets just take it for granted that 'stuff' will happen
And just live around that fact;
Its not fun, it's not pleasant, but…
Qué sera, sera and whatever must be, will be

It's tempting to add our own 2 cents worth
Whenever something matters to us.
And in lust and jest conversations,
Echoed comments just add to the fun!
But in.. fights, arguments and other unpleasant discussions,
Adding ones voice to already worded thoughts,
(no matter how inoffensively)
only adds to the hurt being felt.

I'd say "let's try to get along…" and all that,
But we're all humans, so I'd be wasting my 'breath' ([G])
But maybe.. the least comments added to trouble,
The faster they can be ignored, if not forgotten

Anyone who's lived in fight-ridden households
Will tell you just how painful it is to listen to arguments.
The feelings that they evoke in bystanders,
(even innocent ones who manage to stay clear)
leave scars that never quite heal, one way or another…

All the usual: no offense meant, rant over, let's make peace not war…
[shrug], won't happen, but is expected to be said.

Freeform papier-maché sculpture
©2000 Canadian Wandering Smith

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